·  killer girls  ·        ( an online shop )

Basic paying & Contact Information
All payment will be done through the Paypal shopping cart. If you prefer not to do it through Paypal's shopping cart or its not working for some reason, e-mail us at murdergirls@gmail.com with the item number, your name, address, your payment choice, and anything else you need to (customizations and such).

It is preferred that you use Paypal to send us your payment. All items are listed in US dollars. We also accept checks, cash, and money orders through the mail. If you want to pay that way just e-mail us at murdergirls@gmail.com with your information. We'll only ship your item after we have received payment.

We only ship inside the United States for now. Sorry.

We are not responsible if your payment or item gets lost in the mail. We'll return your money only if you received something (except layouts!) that you are not happy with. But you will have to pay for it to be shipped back to us. We'll refund the price of the item only. Not the shipping costs. Items cannot be returned if they have been woren, washed, drycleaned, or some sort of damage. Sorry.

There will be NO REFUNDS on website layouts or graphic designs. We'll redo it until you are happy with it, though. You must pay for graphic designs and custom items before we start making it. To prevent this, ask to be shown a screenshot/picture of the item while it is being made. We'll be happy to show you our progress!

You can send questions, concerns, compliants, comments, and deaththreats to murdergirls@gmail.com. Spam and die.

Shipping Information
The cost of shipping of your order is based upon weight. If we think it is too much, we will make it less. Shipping is usually between $2-$6 depending on how much the item weighs. We ship by priority mail through the US Mail unless asked otherwise.

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