
Please, please, PLEASE read the usage information before taking any of my icons. I cannot stress how much it means to me that you follow the rules. If I find out that a lot of people are doing that, I'm going to stop making icons for people to use. Stealing is wrong and ignorant.

Anyway, the following are the icon catergories. Icon request information is below, also. Enjoy~!

livejournal icons

These icons are livejournal / deadjournal / greatestjournal / etc icons. Meaning, they are large, usually sized as 100 pixels times 100 pixels. Click a catergory to view the icons. REMEMBER TO READ THE usage information!!!!!!one!!


<< animation / anime / cartoons
- Angel Sanctuary (Yuki Kaori) : (06)
- Gundam Wing (Yoshiyuki Tomino) : (00)
- MARS (Fuyumi Soryo) : (06)
- Misc : (01)

<< movies / tv shows
- Until Death Do Us Part : Carmen & Dave : (01)
- Spider-Man : (01)
- The Notebook : (05)
- Nip/Tuck : (02)

<< video games / movies based on video games
- Final Fantasy Tactics : (01)
- Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children : (03)

<< music related
- Letter Kills : (01)
- Dave Navarro : (01)

<< actors / actresses
- Johnny Depp : (00)
- Heath Ledger : (00)

Other Icon Links
Coming soon. Send Alice your link.

Animevisions Atpictures Getty MTV Google K10k SquidFingers

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