09 FEB 2005 x x        
¯ Pat Benetar - Love is a Battlefield

Yesterday was Paw's 59th birthday, so mom, Billy, and I went to Walmart and picked him something up for his birthday. While we were there, we got a new printer/scanner. Its so pretty. XD I bought Stephen King's book 'Salems Lot. I haven't really started it yet. Anyway, we spent the whole day at Nanny's. We cooked them dinner and an applesauce upside down cake (Paw's favorite). Also went to go see Grandma Edna. Wasn't really that eventful. *shrug*

Talked to David today. Michelle (his ex girlfriend he's trying to get back with) called while he was on the phone with me, so we hung up. She called me with him on three-way. It was kinda akward. David's the only person (besides family) to get me to talk. I was pretty much silent on the phone. ^^; She's really nice though. She had World History with me in 10th grade. We never really talked that much though. I added some content here while I was on the phone with them. hehe.

I haven't heard anything for Rick since Sunday. He's probably forgotten all about me. =/ I really wonder what's going to happen.. *sigh* So much has changed. *shrug* I don't like thinking about it. Oh yeah, thanks Mig for the comment. It was nice. :) (10:25PM)

07 FEB 2005 x x        
¯ Blink 182 - Stay Together for the Kids

The awesomely sexy Jess has decided to host me. :D Thanks Jess! ♥ I shall upload everything I have after this entry. I'll work on the content that's not up later on today.

The parentals, brother, and I went driving around today. It was actually ok. We went looking to see if we could find a place that had a part that we need to fix our van. Dad found it somewhere and just went off to buy it so that Rick's uncle can put it on. We still need brakes. Boy this getting expensive.

Thought about the whole situation with Rick today/last night. *sigh* I'm half way over the fact that it probably won't work out. David helped me a lot by talking to me last night. So did Jessica when she talked to me on AIM. Thanks Jess-o. ♥ I'm not sure what's happening between me and Rick anymore, but I'm going to take advantage of this break. I can't just sit around and wait on someone right now. I'm a teenage girl for goodness sakes. I need to get out once and a while and see people. I deserve happiness too. I've finally realized that. Don't get me wrong, I'm usually happy with Rick and I love him, but the last few weeks have been so hell-ish that I'm not sure either of us will ever be happy together again. *sigh* (4:22PM)

(older entries) & (haloscan)