the slaughter
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about the slaughter
The Slaughter was created from a Brand New song called "Sic Transit Gloria." It was made by KillYourTV. She already owns several icon communities, but wanted to create one on GreatestJournal.

THIS COMMUNITY IS MEMBERS ONLY; you must join to see the posts. This graphics community offers the following and then some: icons, icon bases, wallpapers, scans, s1 layouts, s2 layouts, extended info layouts, banners, animations, tutorials, Paint Shop Pro 7 brushes, textures, backgrounds, etc.

So far, KillYourTV is the only graphics maker on this project, but its open for people who share the same interests. People who are interested should go to this entry and comment with a few examples. The subjects of her graphics can be found in the userinfo listed in the interests section.

Members are required to follow the rules. Failure to read the rules could result in a ban. Rules are also listed here. Rules and FAQ are subject to change any time.

001. Join the community.

002. ALWAYS give credit and ALWAYS comment when you are taking something. A tutorial on how to do this can be found in the FAQ after joining. If I find that you did not give credit where credit is due, I will most likely report you and then I will add you to the banned list.

003. Stealing is a crime and a sin. Don't do it. Also, do not edit anything you find here unless told otherwise.

004. It used to be a rule that we didn't take requests, but it has been decided that requests are OPEN. Feel free to comment with suggestions or requests.

005. Please note that some of the graphics may contain nudity and other situations that minors may not be comfortable with. This is a warning. I will mark those that contain nudity or sexual situations as "nws," meaning "not work safe."

006. Promoting this community is a plus. If you tell the icon maker(s) where you promoted this community, you will get a free graphic and a new best friend for life! :]

007. And as always, feedback = less than three.


Examples can also be found here. The newest 12 piece example of newer icons can be found here. Click here for the older version.

e-mail: @gmail


© Copyright KillYourTV/KillYourTV 2006 - 2007. Graphics may also be x-posted on related communities and may be found on Twentynine_. If graphics are found without credit, please report them to the admin at omgscore[@] Please do not jack the extended information layout without permission. If you are caught stealing, you will be reported to your webhost without warning.