
Murder-Scene.net was bought on April 6, 2005 and hosted by Jenna of OhCyanide. The name came from a My Chemical Romance song entitled "Give 'Em Hell, Kid." It serves as a collective and personal site to me, Alice. :]

her past

I started webdesigning roughly in about the 7th grade, when my family bought our first computer. I started out with Yahoo! PageBuilder on Geocities. Then, I worked my way up to coding my own HTML. I attempted to use such free webspace providers as Angelfire, Envy, and Angeltowns. I also had a few journals in which I designed on Diaryland and Pitas. I started out with MS Paint and then used some of my mom's image software, which I can't remember the name for. I then pirated a copy of Jasc's Paint Shop Pro 7 and I do not intend on stopping using it unless someone buys me Photoshop. I was hosted on several domains and I owned tons of websites. None of my old websites exist, though. I bought my first domain about a year later. I closed it a few months later due to internet drama and my horrible depression. I was hosted for a while again and then was hosted by a few friends. I bought my second domain, BombFlower.org, in December of 2003. The hosting I bought was horrible and I moved my domain to a friend's website provider. BF went down and I never renewed it. A while later, Murder-Scene.net was born. :O If you read all of that, you have no life. But you're like me if you did. xD

current layout

This is part two, version one of Murder-Scene.net. The current layout features Heero Yuy of the animanga Gundam Wing. Heero was my first anime crush and I don't think I've ever made a layout with him on it. I just had to. Most brushes were made by me, but some are from unknown sources. The lyrics are from Underoath's " Boy Brushed Red, Living In Black And White."

past layouts

Past layouts will be stored here later on. The last layouts were more grunge or punk style, so I've started over. To find out what happened to the old site click here.


No one ever asks me these questions, but I guess I could make some up! :D In short: No, I won't make you a layout or graphic unless you pay cash for it; No, I won't host you; I'll only install Greymatter for you if I like you; and I don't mind if you instant message me, just don't be a dick.
