about alice.hartley
My name is Alice Hartley. I'm nineteen years old, born July 14, 1988. I live in Lenoir, North Carolina with my parents and younger brother. I spend a lot of time in Morganton with my boyfriend of two years (two years steadily, three off and on).

I went to Hibriten Highschool in Lenoir until the second semester of 10th grade. I became homeschooled after leaving Hibriten.

I am completely self-taught. I haven't taken a single class, but I hope to. I started reading and teaching myself webdesign (HTML, CSS, graphics) at the age of 12 when we got our first family computer. I started designing with a WYSIWYG program on Geocities and free photo editting software. After a while, I started using Paint Shop Pro 7.0 and expanded my craft to that program and using Notepad. At about the age of 13 I received a domain for my birthday to help develop my interests in webdesign. After it expired, I had weblogs, fansites, and fanlistings hosted on a few friends' domains and on a few free hosts. At about 15 I bought another domain, Bombflower.org. This domain housed my weblog and series of fansites. About a year or so after Bombflower was expired, I bought Murder-Scene.net. This was another domain where I hosted a weblog and fansites. After it expired, I limited my skills to MySpace, LiveJournal, GreatestJournal, and a small videogame related website and forum for my brother. I still make icons and small graphics. I make link banners and take live photos for my boyfriend's band, The Avoiders.

I use Paint Shop Pro 7.0 and MS Notepad. I have about five years experience with Paint Shop Pro (psp) and about a year experience with Photo Shop. I know how to use Animation Shop and I have been using FTP since I started designing websites. I know how to install and use Greymatter, MoveableType, Joomla, PHP-Nuke, and many more programs.

contact alice.hartley
e-Mail: omgscore@gmail.com
aim: omgalice
myspace: http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=149886616
flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/alicehartley
livejournal: http://dyingscene.livejournal.com
live portfolio: http://ahport.freehostia.com/

all content (C) alice hartley [omgscore/@/gmail.com // alice.hartley/@/yahoo.com] 2008