26 March 2008 @ 04:37 pm
Eat, sleep, fuck, and flee; in four words that's me  
Layout cred

I need new livejournal icons. Srsly.

So yesterday I attempted to go through all my old entries on this journal and tag them. Bwahahaha, what an insane task. I didn't accomplish it at all. I've had this journal since 2006. Weird. I didn't know that. No wonder why I was tempted to get a new one. I hate this username. Fifteen bucks for a rename token is too much. Especially with all the bullshit Livejournal has been pulling lately.

I went back to the very first post.
This journal is 80% friends only. The things dealing with most of my personal life will be friends only, so you'll have to add me to be able to read those entries. I got tired of people lurking and reading my stuff. :]
Uh yeah. That didn't last long, did it? I'm thinking about going completely 'frends only,' meaning you have to have a livejournal account and add me as a friend and I have to add you back for you to be able to see my crap.

I'm tired of weirdos talking to me. People I've never met pressuring me to hangout with them.

Anyway, my lips are chapped. I'm hungry. And people are total crap!

OH OH OH! Look at what today's word of the day is! Today's Word - schnook: A stupid, easily deceived person.
Current Music: say anything.
25 March 2008 @ 04:42 pm
Yum, yum, yum. Sloppy seconds!  
So tell me.. How does it feel to have lost every ounce of respect from those who actually care about you?

Current Music: morrissey.
25 March 2008 @ 02:19 am

Yeah, uh. No thanks?
24 March 2008 @ 03:09 am
<-- BEWBS  
Lemme be your salt lick
Salt lick salt lick
Lemme be your salt sap
Wet lap dream

I like songs that make me want to screw the fuck out of someone. Really, I do. This song is definitely on my 'going to sleep' playlist.
Current Music: elysian fields.
23 March 2008 @ 10:49 pm
Becca needs to quit pooting in my room when I'm not home. Gah.  
I wasn't home all day and my door was shut the entire time. So why does my room smell like ASS?
23 March 2008 @ 04:32 am

22 March 2008 @ 02:06 am
Ooh, it feels good to be free.  
Warped Tour falls on my birthday this year. That's weird! I guess that means I HAVE to go. Not to mention, Katy Perry is going to be there and she's bad ass, I don't care what people think!

Oh and Every Time I Die and Evergreen Terrace, mmmm.
21 March 2008 @ 04:09 pm
I shut my mouth and walk away from the memory game. So don't forget, don't forget I am the reason.  
I don't think I love you anymore.
Care about you? I don't know.

Never would have thought I would feel this way.
Current Music: motion city soundtrack.
21 March 2008 @ 02:56 pm
[private post]  

20 March 2008 @ 08:01 pm
She said, "I'll fall asleep 'fore I fall in love."  
She don't deserve love
She'll get what she's deserving of
We don't deserve love
We'll get what we're deserving of
I don't deserve love
You'll get what you're deserving of
We all get what we're deserving of

But it's not the girl who we let tear through our core
It's the tear there before that made this girl into more

Mom, dad, and I went to his aunt Christine's viewing today. I never met her. It felt awkward. I hate death. I hated walking through people, shaking strangers' hands. Such sad people, tear stained faces. I don't think I've ever been to a viewing that received so many flowers.

The bridge of my nose feels so weird. I've been wearing my glasses for about a week non-stop. Today is the first day I hadn't put them on. It almost feels bruised. Its a horrible feeling.
Current Music: the matches.
19 March 2008 @ 10:57 pm
Totally quoteable.  
ME: i am seriously going to have a collection of pictures of guys' cocks and them in their undies
BECCA: lol make trading cards!
ME: i should!
BECCA: lol i choose you dickachu!

Guys are weird. I'm glad I'm female. :]
16 March 2008 @ 10:59 pm
From 24C  
I hear him laughing
But I prefer this to the silence
When your lips are sealed against his
Or he fills your thighs with kisses
Or just for instance
He's clawing your fat,
Pushing your breaths into the mattress
You'll love a good many men, mmhmm
And loving me ain't gonna stop all of them
16 March 2008 @ 12:03 am
Up to your tits in frogs!  
Awwwwww, I have to share the lovely poem IIIII just received!

Oh my dearest and loveliest Alice
I love you comepletely
You have no idea
But I whack off to your Myspace pics nightly.
Our AIM convos are highly sexual in nature
And I know you love my quotes
And I know this is cheesy
But you’re the kind of girl I’d take home to my folks
You are so sweet
I love your vagina
You are soooo awesome in bed
Please don’t get angina
I can’t think of anything else
So this is the end
This is so fucking cheesy
But please be my friend

15 March 2008 @ 08:49 pm
14 March 2008 @ 04:33 pm
blaaaaam! baaaang! wow!  
Why do only guys who are 'in a relationship' send me friend requests on MySpace? AND THEN they send me messages about how I'm soooooo 'hott.' Wow, I bet your girlfriend would LOVE that! ALSO, why do people add me from other states with their picture as someone else? I know who Apena is, jackass. Don't use her picture posing as her. I know you're probably fugly and fat, but seriously!

We (mom, nanny, and myself) went to Chubby's and then to the new Wal-Mart Super Center in Granite today. Freakin' huge. We only looked around at like half of it. Then on the way home we stopped by the cable company and switched our bill from nanny's name to mom's, got a new cable box, and got Charter Telephone. We have a new phone number starting this Tuesday. It'll take me forever to learn the damn thing. Bahh.

Mom stopped by the hair salon in the new Wal-mart and they'd charge $90 for a color and wash. I'll probably go there to get my hair fixededed (dyed my natural color and layered). The nail place beside it only charge $22. Neat. I should have asked how much it would cost to get my eyebrows done. I'm too lazy to pluck them at the moment.

They took off Semi-Pro at the movies before I got to go see it. Waaaaaaaah. Horton Hears A Who and 10000 B.C. are on.
13 March 2008 @ 03:49 am
Sleep is for pussies!  
I hope my Sims saved before I crashed. Bah I hate going downtown. Downtown hates my computer. Poor Sandy became an elder. She looks really weird. Her hair is still blonde and her skintone is all weird. Her boobs are all saggy. It changed her clothes to slutty Maxis clothes with a tribal armband tattoo. Ewww. Her hubby is a lot younger than her too. Not to mention her kid is about to turn into a teen. AND nothing he does brings his fucking fun level up. Gah I don't get this kid! He'll play on the computer, read, play with toys, swing for hours and hours and it'll barely raise. And he won't do his school work and he's about to fail.

I almost feel guilty for something. But at the same time, I don't because I know I shouldn't. Why shouldn't I? Because it doesn't matter anymore. I should just ball it up and throw it away like I've done before, but I feel like I would have wasted the last three years of my life. There was a lot more built this time than the others.

Oh well. I hope she's nothing like me. I hope she kisses your ass and she enjoys every immature thing you do. And I hope when you leave her for the next slut that walks down the street, she takes you back and instead of feeling the way I do, she forgives you and lets it go.

I really really really dislike sleeping anymore. Weird. I usually love sleeping. I could sleep 20 hours a day and still sleep some more. Now I don't want to go to bed and I do everything possible to keep myself up. Everything from drinking coffee, to watching Death Note online, to playing Sims 2, to just laying there staring at the ceiling.
10 March 2008 @ 03:15 pm
I have told you before,
You were nothing special to him
(and that's just another thing that's nothing new for you).
07 March 2008 @ 02:27 pm
I have introduced my mom into the world that is custom Sims 2 content. haha.

Mom and I got pulled over the other day by a trooper just passed the apartments (literally a minute away from my house). We didn't have a registration and our tag was registered as the van. The guy we bought the car from at the car lot in December was supposed to switch the van's tag to the car since it wasn't expiring soon. He was also supposed to mail us or call us when he received our new registration for the car. We had paid an extra $50 for this. We also watched him call the insurance company to have the van's insurance carried over to the new car. So in other words, we had insurance but our car wasn't registered and we had the wrong tag on the car. Fyi, you legally can't get insurance without a registration. So mom got a ticket. Thank bob I wasn't driving. Anyway, mom explained to the trooper about how the car lot was supposed to switch everything over and the trooper laughed and said, "the new registration and tag are probably laying at their office." So mom and dad went to the car lot the next day and asked them about it. Sure enough, they had received the tag and registration and hadn't called us or even mailed the shit to us. Mom asked them why they hadn't contacted us and the guy would just sidestep the question. He also made them pay an extra $13 because 'when he tried to switch the tag, he couldn't because the taxes hadn't been paid on the van and so he had to buy a new tag.' This is bullshit. My parents were NEVER late on paying their car taxes. Mom and dad went today to go before the DA. They explained to them what happened and the case was dropped without us having to pay anything. Either way, it's fucking bullshit. They should have called us about the tag/registration and it's NOT THAT EXPENSIVE to mail something like that. We only live like ten minutes away, seriously. But instead they let us drive our car for several months with a 'fictitious tag.' If we hadn't have had insurance, the trooper would have made us leave the car there and he would have taken the tag. Also, if the case wasn't dropped mom would have had to pay $150+ for the ticket and if she couldn't do that, she would have been thrown in jail. So thanks a lot, car lot. Thanks.

Also, fuck you Victoria's Secret for sending me a check for EIGHT DOLLARS instead of transferring the money back to my giftcard. It'll cost me like three bucks just to get it cashed, jackasses.
03 March 2008 @ 12:33 pm
lies make it better.  
Rat puked in the cablebox again, so we do not have cable in the living room.

Why is it SO HARD for people to act like they actually give a shit? I mean, if you care soooo much then you would call me and you would continue to bug me, right?

I'm so tired of the bullshit and the lying, but I still give a shit. God, I'm STUPID.
02 March 2008 @ 12:31 pm
Nanny is making a big dinner tonight to make me fat. She's making a turkey breast and everyone kept this information from me until yesterday. I lubbbbbbb turkeyyyyyyy! We told dad last night that we'd be eating up there, so to come up to nanny's when he got off work and he was like, "why is she making a big dinner?" Mom told him that she assumed it was because of me being so godawful sick since turkey is one of my favorite foods. He went on to tease me, "OHH AREN'T YEW SPECIAL."

I'm still feeling good. Feeling better every day. Yesterday I couldn't keep food out of my mouth. From what the doctors said, I was starving. Like, my body was starting to eat away at my muscle tissue and stuff.

I'm starting a new list notebook. My other one annoyed me.

Victoria's Secret emailed me yesterday. They received my return and are going to charge me $6 for using the free return bag thing? How does that make sense? Whatever. Yeah, refund me for an ugly $13 bra and then charge me $6. SWEET. Thanks.

I'm hungry and must take a pill. Kthnxbai!